Welcome to DB Initiative

My name is Dennis Börjesson. DB Initiative is merely a hobby and a side income. You can read more about what I can offer you, as a customer, under each respective link. Please use my contact form if there's anything you are wondering about.
Best Regards! !

Dennis Börjesson, DB Initiative

Fun fact:

These are average internetspeeds in each country (hover your mouspointer over a country).


This is a quite broad part of our business and listing all details are just not possible but here are a few examples.
We create Exceldocuments suited to your needs, both with and without scripts for handeling data. Pivot tables and dynamic diagrams doesn't pose any problems either.
We can create and, in some instances, host a website based on the content management system Drupal. Prices for this vary depending on the level of coplexity of the site.
Virusscanning and installation of the free AVG Antivirus.
Upgrading hardware, installing computer components and assemble entire computers according to the customers wishes.
You can find a pricelist of our most common computer jobs here.
We welcome your questions
via our contact form.


Contact form

Fields marked with * is mandatory.


We are cooperating with the following companies:
We welcome your questions
via our contact form.